Ian ‘Sumo’ Green – Lets Have Some Fun

Ian ‘Sumo’ Green – Lets Have Some Fun

Ian ‘Sumo’ Green has been a familiar voice on local radio in Leicester for over 30 years, starting his broadcasting career in 1992 at hospital radio Gwendolen. This early experience shaped Ian’s view of radio as not just entertainment but as a form of respite, offering listeners a brief reprieve from their daily challenges. Ian often describes his time on the air as therapeutic, highlighting the personal satisfaction he gains from engaging with his audience.

With a broad interest in various music genres, Ian’s shows are known for their diversity, ensuring that listeners are always presented with something new and interesting. This variety reflects Ian’s belief in the power of music to connect and uplift people.

Ian invites listeners to join him on Soar Sound community radio for two programmes. “Sumos Spotlight,” from 10 am to 12 pm on Fridays, features a mix of music and insights reflecting Ian’s eclectic taste. This is followed by “Sumo in the Studio” from 12 pm to 2 pm, where the format broadens to include discussions and guest interviews alongside music.

Ian encourages everyone to tune into Soar Sound for a few hours of engaging radio. His approach to broadcasting is rooted in a desire to offer a shared space for music and conversation, underpinned by his long-standing philosophy that radio can offer a momentary escape from the rigours of life. Join Ian on Fridays for a unique blend of entertainment that aims to bring a sense of community and enjoyment to its listeners.

Rob Watson

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